Ressources about Yoga and its lineage
White person who loves Yoga:
Are you appreciating or appropriating Indian Culture?
May 1st 2021:
India is right now suffering from what's being called the worst case of COVID-19. Female Indian Journalist, Rana Ayyub explains in a conversation on IG-tv with Rupi Kaur (Indian-American Writer red.) that around April 20th, India was running out of Oxygen. They were in deep need of Oxygen for their people. Now, about a week and a half later, they are still in need of Oxygen for their people. But now, they are more-so looking for cemeteries. People are dying and being burned on the streets in India, and here we are the West... making money off of their culture like never before. India is not in need of our shock and our tears. India is in need of our actions. It's tough but so is not being able to breathe.
It's up to us to support them. It is up to us. Now.
Donate here*:
Hemkent Foundation
Khalsa Aid
Read Rana Ayyub's piece "'This Is Hell.' Prime Minister Modi's Failure to Lead Is Deepening India's COVID-19 Crisis"
from the New York Times here.
*These Donation-funds came recommended by Rana Ayyub. However, please do your own research and be mindful that there's a lot of scam going on with donations. If you have friends and relatives in India/related to India in any way, as them where they consider it most needed - and then share that knowledge with your community.
Please use this link to find more legit places to donate:
If you're in doubt whether any of this have anything to do with you - and wonder why it's important that we, the white Yoga-loving people, speak up - please take your time to use a few (or a lot!) of the ressources below. India has given us so much. We need to give back - and we've needed to do that for a while now. Not only when COVID-19 is going strong but in general. It's time.
Links on appropriation:
8 signs your Yogapractice is culturally appropriating
Yoga and the Maintainence of White Womenhood
White women co-opted pandemic Yoga
Why I'm no longer talking to white people about Yoga
Is there a respectful way to practice Yoga?
Yoga is dead
Let's talk Yoga
Unpacking Cultural appropriation
Any interview with Susanna Barkataki (Use the search-bar on any podcast-platform.)
Instagram of Indian, South East Asian- and
Indian-American Women educating for free on Instagram:
Examples of the current representation:
Top ten Yoga-Youtubers (9 white)
The Best 17 Yoga-accounts to follow (16 white)
Best Yoga-accounts for home-practice (10/14 white)