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*deep dive into what it's really about*

sweden reset & retreat

nature (forest & lake baby!)
the elements (earth, fire, water, wind)
community (SUCH good people are coming! you!)
movement (energetically, physically, play, dance)
you-time (bring your crochet, that book, empty calendar)


Will it be for me?

Dive into movement & you-time at the magical water mill resting deep in Smålands forest, carefully morphed into a retreat place with the clear intention to bring you home.

Let nature hold you and help you take shelter for a few days. We'll celebrate the arrival of the sun, enjoy time for creative endeavours, BE in our bodies with plenty of movement and of course (!) there will also be delicious food, sauna time, lake swims and circles by the fire.

This is going to be special and it's for you who loves movement, nature and community but have a hard time prioritising it and/or really connecting to it.


When and where am I going?

May 15th, 2022, 2:00 PM – May 18th, 2022, 2:00

Möllan Retreat Center, Höghultström 2 link, 364 33 Åseda, Sweden.

What to expect

A nurturing, restful environment with space for your
whole Self to join

Yoga-, somatics-, & movement-practices open for
all levels - all ages - all body-types


Wholesome vegan/vegetarian meals created by amazing chef Lena with local ingredients. Hellowww YUM!


Practice in how to regulate your nervous-system, self-reflect and understand the needs of your mind, body, being.

the retreat experience

daily offerings

  • 7.00-8.00 quiet time, morning tea, journaling

  • 8.00-10.00 practice, breath, meditation

  • 10.30-11.30 brunch tiiiime

  • 12-14.00 workshops, gatherings, wishes

  • 14.00-17.30 walks, chats, wishes, you-things, snacks

  • 18-19.00 dinner, chats, thank you's

  • 20.00+ goodnight gathering/ceremony, journal

On the day of arrival (check in from 14.00) and the day of departure (around 14.00) the program will look different. There will however, be a YUM movement-practice on both of those days and ceremonial vibes to open and close the retreat.


Each day will include elements of creativity, rest, movement and time spent in nature but please be mindful that no matter the planned schedule:

This is your free-time and you can spend it 100% how you prefer to. The offers are mere invitations and if you have wishes for workshops or gatherings; bring 'em!



the practice

The morning-practices will look different everyday. Sometimes yoga, sometimes chill stretching, sometimes dancing and play. The physical practice is the space where we invite the body to speak and give the mind a break.

Every practice will include elements of meditation and pranayama for a full circle experience. We are not "just" our physical bodies. There's also the energetic body as well as the emotional body.


We will meet every layer of our Being in these practices.

For the workshops we will spend time with Yoga-philosophy but also movement, journaling and opportunities for sitting in circle.

The main goal for each of these sessions are that you get to explore multiple parts of the amazing You that you are, and the different ways to dance with it. Don't underestimate yourself if you are moving gently.



Möllan with lake.jpeg

the space

Let nature hold you and help you take shelter for a few days. Dive into movement & you-time at the magical water mill resting deep in Smålands forest, carefully morphed into a retreat place with the clear intention to bring you home. 


Möllan Retreat Center  is located around 4 hours drive from Copenhagen, and 4,5 h from Stockholm, at: Höghultström 2 link, 364 33 Åseda, Sweden.


At Möllan, there's a beautiful indoor shala with loads of light overlooking the forest. There's an outdoor terrace, sauna, big lake and lots of green everywhere.

The easiest way to get to Möllan is by car and we suggest car-pooling for that, which we will help make happen, as we get closer. With public transport from Copenhagen there's 3 h in train to Växjö and from Stockholm 3,5 h in train to Växjö.


From Växjö you take a bus (310 and 320 departs more or less every hour) to Åseda, which takes 45 min. We can also help make pick up from the train/bus possible.

the food

For this retreat you will get 2 big meals/day - all vegan/vegetarian from locally sourced produce. Just beautiful! Throughout the entire day there will also be access to tea, coffee, fruit and light snacks.

Lena, who will be cooking for us, is a Copenhagen-based plant-based chef and yoga teacher with a PhD in food within the world of flavour and sensory perception. Mildly obsessed with matcha and tahini, she loves to share moments over a plate of deliciousness, on the mat or swimming in the ocean. 


Her cooking is intuitive, colourful and inspired by the seasons nourishing the intimate connection to the world around and within us. For her, food is about exploration, play, pleasure and presence. From sourcing and preparing to eating, she invites more presence and intention into how we nourish ourselves, and hopefully inspires and awakens your senses for the delicious world of plants.


You can expect wholesome family style meals with a variety of seasonal produce that are nourishing, grounding and juicy exploring the flavours of .

the facilitator

Nanna is certified Physical Therapist graduated from VIA University College in Aarhus early 2019 and have been geeking out in combining this with her knowledge of Yoga-asana, somatics, mindfulness and neurology ever since.


In her everyday-life Nanna is teaching&practicing Yoga herself next to also having clients with muscolosceletal-complications and practices holistic therapy as well. O and she's a writer too and writes about psychiatry, mental health and neurodivergency.

Expect a full merge of these worlds under her guidance. 


Besides having a wisdom that sticks deep in terms of Western Medicine, Nanna is also a certified MBSR-coach (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), NLP-practitioner (Neuro Linguitic Programming) and has taken numerous courses in understanding the mind-body connection better. Of latest she's partaken in Satu Tumeolu's 50h course in Shake The Dust, which is a psycho-somatic practice that creates magic through dance, breath, asana and community.

Nanna is a an experienced spaceholder and have hosted events-retreats-trainings all over the world since 2017. Her teaching-method is nurturing no-nonsense combined with a big smile and laughs, so expect to be challenged as well as 100% supported as you're threading new waters.

​Please join me when we 'press pause' and enter retreat-heaven. It's for you who want to get (back) in touch with your mindbodyheart-being; engulfed in nature, movement types, journaling

for a perfect reset after a very intense time in the human experience.

I look forward to Be with you no matter how you show up.

<3 x Nanna

& sign up
  • the more the merrier-room (4 ppl):
    4222,- dkk/person (580 EU-ish)


  • two hearts one room (2 ppl):
    sold out


  • bring your own tent/van: 
    3500 dkk/person (480 EU-ish)


  • family-room (a group of 2-3 travelling together)
    4444,- dkk/person (608 EU-ish)

To book without any extra costs &/or with a payment-plan made to fit exactly your needs:

1) Please send an email to the worlds's longest email-address:
2) Include which room you'd like, if you already have roommate-arrangements, any special requests or needs. I'm here to listen whether it's financial, emotional or dietary. Always.
3) Get excited. It's happening! YAY!

OR book the easy way by following link:

what's included in the price?
  • Nature based rituals in the forest
    (sauna, lake swims, walks, ceremony)

  • Nurturing your passion & source of creativity
    (bring your yarn, sketch book, notepad etc)


  • Meditation, Silence & Soul Care

  • Shake The Dust Session, Somatics, Music & Dance

  • Daily movement, Breathwork & embodied Yin Yoga

  • Poetry, Journaling & Storytelling

  • Sharing in circles

  • Delicious vegetarian food made by incredible Lena

IN CASE YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED, HAVE LOW INCOME, HEALTH ISSUES ETC., you are more than welcome to reach out and tell me about your situation. I will do what I can to give you a discount that fits your need. x nanna

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