all the randoms
I have a hard time fitting into a certain box - like most people have I guess.
I have just been fortunate enough to realize it and make a living out of breaking out of it
- and helping others do the same.
This site is mostly just here to tell you a little bit about what's going on... outside of the box :)
I love us. I believe in us. xx Nanna
I might be a teacher of Yoga - which I love and am honored to call myself - but I'm also very well aware that this practice, in its traditional sense wasn't made for me and my people. I'm constantly checking myself to make sure that I'm honoring the practice that has it's origin in India made by - and for - Brown folks. This is the same reason for why I don't use "Namasté" to end my classes and why I don't chant "OM".
Motivated by cultural appropriation, I have created my own method to move, breathe and increase my own freedom feeling - both as a practitioner and teacher. It's definitely inspired by Yoga - but also dance, mindfulness and prehab/rehab-exercises from Physiotherapy. I feel more confident teaching this style to other's, as it separates me a little bit from the tradition, which maybe (?) mostly was meant to be taught by Indians.
RESET, as my method is called, is only taught in Morning Club for now, and includes booty shaking, clapping and reclaiming the sense of feeling like ONE. With ourselves and each other. Fuck yea.
Read more about Morning Club here
If you've watched Jane the Virgin (Netflix show red.), you will know that Rafael asked Jane infamamous question about what she aspires to do with her life. She answers "am I being brave or am I being practical?", and of course Rafael says "be brave" to which she responds
"I am a writer".
Now, sorry not sorry, for a recap of this magical show, because in fact my answer is very much the same as Jane's. If I'm being brave, I'm a writer to the bone. When I think of the one thing that I do, and want to keep doing, even though I'm not getting paid for it, it's writing.
Words are my life-partner for sure.
Now, whether that makes me a writer or not, can be discussed. I choose to think that it does make me a writer. I feel like a writer. This is also the reason why I've chosen to Self-Publish. I chose me<3 My book is in Danish and holds prosa-poetry about all the things we think
we're alone in - when really we're all together.
Edited November 2021
This one is mostly for the Danes and about my Danish project about my book. As a part of this project I'm launching a podcast (vilde.hjerte) and creating more buzz around my future book (books). cont. in Danish.
JUBI! Jeg er så glad for at du læser med her og forstår hvad jeg skriver. Sandheden er, at jeg efter mange års rejsen rundt, boet i udlandet, og tilmed snakker engelsk med min kæreste, så SAVNER jeg mit sprog.
Uanset hvor jeg har boet og hvilket sprog jeg har talt, har jeg været rigtig god til at people please, holde mig selv tilbage og synke mine meninger. SÅ lige nu handler det om noget helt andet for mig - nemlig at skrive den historie der er min, med ord der er mine.
Min bog er skrevet på dansk, og har været en måde for mig at finde hjem på. Det har passet godt med det arbejde jeg sideløbende har lavet med min psykolog. Hjemkomsten. Hele den proces har i høj grad handlet om (og handler stadig om) at sætte mine indre "vilde heste" fri.
vilde.hjerte er en del af det.
Jeg har derfor lavet og den kan du finde på alle platforme lige her.
Følg i opdateringer på min danske Instagram:
Now. This one might seem random - and not very out of the box-ish - but the only sponsership I've only ever said yes to, is from Moonchild Yogawear. They have helped me - and so many others - to step out of their box and live their best life.
The reason they do this, has very little to do with their clothes (even though it's the best and I'm rarely wearing anything else). It has however, everything to do with the fact that they, themselves have stepped out of the box big time. Louise, the founder of the company, is first of all female and from a tiny country (Denmark), which should't really give one the best opportunities to build an inernationally acknowledged brand.
However, they did exactly that. They believe in slow fashion, they produce from recycled materials and speak on important subjects that commercialized media won't touch. Bad. Ass. I'm so deeply grateful for this companionship as well as the inspiration. Always.
Read my article about "small big things" for Moonchild Yogawear here.
Read my interview on mental health with Moonchild Yogawear here.
Purchase sustainable Yogawear with 10% discount using MOONCHILDNANNA at check out.