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morning club

- an online community for womxn

I have decided to continue on with the Morning Club community again and again over the last years. It's still serving women all over the world - even outside of lockdown and I just couldn't imagine not holding that space anymore. Originally we started on Instagram in March 2020 due to the C-word and now, almost two years later, we're still going strong.
Read the full story "taking responsibility as a way out of suffering" about MC here.

One of our basic human needs is to feel like we belong. We need to feel loved and understood as a part of a group. Now it might never be really easy to trust and believe in fully but add in a worldwide pandemic with restrictions against being with people and you will find it even harder. Well, I have at least.

Humans need humans.

And even though everything has gone online now, and every single online offer is trying to buy us with the sentence "in the comfort of your own home", Morning Club is different. It just is. Our homes might not be that comfortable by now, which makes a lot of sense, but Morning Club is a good alternative to a physical community. It will obviously never be the same but this is a community where we are actually in touch for more than those 60 minutes the zoom-meeting lasts.

And that's why I love it.
And that's why we're still going.


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Morning Club FAQ

  • Morning Club is a Facebook community for womxn and all humans identifying as female.

  • There is currently 40 members from eight different countries.

  • We practice together live together at least once a month and therefore the stream of new video-content keeps going.

  • There is more than 50 hours of video available consisting of everything from Yoga (soft-slow-strong), meditation, breath exercises, journaling, SelfCare, Yoga-talks.

  • It's perfectly okay if you're not able to join live. Every single class that has ever been taught in the space is still available in the group. In example - for the women from Australia, Morning Club is simply "afternoon-club".

  •  The classes are of varied kind. Every single time. There lies a deep respect in the group for how the body and mind changes from day to day. How we are not 'supposed' the be able to do the same everyday. The classes are everything from 30-90 minutes long.

  •  Whenever a class has been practiced by one of the members on a later hour or a different day, the womxn in the group are so sweet to leave little comments for each other. All to inspire and lift each other up. It's magic.

  • If someone is going through a hard time and shares that with the group, there is always support to be found in the community. (See pictures below)

  • Sometimes we do community "challenges" to dive deeper into Selfcare-practice that are not physical. This is to connect to a deeper sense of Self that doesn't really have anything to do with how the body looks. Instead it's all about how it feels. YUM.

  • We've had both breath, journaling and meditation focus-months

  • This group is not "just" about physical Yoga at a certain level. There is space for every Body, every level, every age.

  • There is videos available involving slow hatha for beginners, powerful ashtanga and vinyasa for the energetic ones, SelfCare practices with massage, journaling and mediation for the gentle days and finally it is all available. Always.

  • In Morning Club you are not practicing or going through the challenges of Lockdown alone.

  • In Morning club we are Together.

  • To become a member you can use the contact-form below or here.

  • Price January-July 2022 is 85 Euro for non-members
    & 70 Euro for members.
    Your price will be adapted, should you sign up later than January.

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